Michelle Blum Acupuncture & Naturopathy

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Best Detox for Spring

It’s Spring! Time for a detox!

Hello health seekers

Spring is here which means only one thing in the world of naturopathic medicine........DETOX

In my opinion, partaking in a 6 week supervised detox program during the season of spring is the most holistic way to shed pounds just in time for summer as well as have you feeling incredibly alive and energetic.

A supervised detox program usually involves following a wholesome sugar-free, dairy-free and gluten-free diet. Non-starchy vegetables should be the central focus at each meal with only small amounts of fresh protein such as fish, chicken, eggs etc and small amounts of gluten-free whole grains such as quinoa, brown rice, millet, amaranth and buckwheat as well as good quality fats such as avocado, small amounts of coconut oil and raw nuts.

Taking specific nutrients and herbs that aid in the detoxification process is highly recommended however they should be prescribed by a qualified naturopath as they will vary from person to person depending on the presenting symptoms and current state of health.

For those wishing to access a list of foods recommended during a detox then I highly recommend downloading a copy of the Metagenics detox allowable food list.

Some simple detox practices that can easily be followed at home include:

  • Drink a cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice (1/2 lemon) with recently boiled water first thing in the morning.

  • Follow this with a blended cocktail of vegetables including cucumber, kale, celery and half a green apple using a high-speed blender. Alternatively, you can add lemon juice to the health cocktail if you prefer.

  • If you don't have access to a high-speed blender then using a cold-pressed slow juicer is also fine ensuring that sweet veggies such as carrot and beetroot are used sparingly. It would be advisable not to add fruit to a blended juice as this can be a little too sugary and hence will negate the detox effects.

  • Including a teaspoon of alkalising greens which contain spirulina, alfalfa, chlorella, barley and wheatgrass to your vegetable smoothie or juice is also recommended as it will add more nutrients to your smoothie/juice, reduce inflammation as it balances the pH in the body and assist with detoxification further.

  • A mid-morning snack on a detox may include a handful of activated raw nuts with a low GI piece of fruit such as an apple, pear or a half cup of organic berries which are packed full of anti-oxidants.

  • Another great snack would be a vegetable dip such as capsicum or eggplant or even an avocado dip with some chopped up veggies. Here is a link to some vegetable dip recipes that I like to make and eat. https://www.thehealthychef.com/2012/12/party-dips/

  • Salads make an ideal lunch during detox if done in warmer weather. Salad greens and a source of protein such as a hard-boiled egg or a tin of sardines or a handful of grilled shredded chicken works well.

  • You can't go past a vegetable soup made from pumpkin, spinach, broccoli, leek and fennel with some shredded beef or chicken for dinner whilst the evenings are still cool - great for detoxing and losing weight.

Other things you can add to your detox include:

  • Garlic and heaps of it as it is a great anti-parasitic and great for the digestive system.

  • Slippery elm powder contains glutamine which is repairing and restorative to the mucous membranes in the Gastro-Intestinal Tract and also feeds the probiotics that we often hear about.

  • Taking a potent, broad-spectrum, practitioner only probiotic would also be recommended.

  • Include plenty of filtered water and herbal teas such as dandelion root due to its action on the liver.

For those wanting further support and a thorough and tailored detox or weight loss plan, an appointment to see me can be arranged by either dropping me an email through my contact me page or booking an appointment here.