Acupuncture For Back Pain Brisbane

Acupuncture For Back Pain Brisbane

Michelle Blum has over two decades of Acupuncture experience operating from her Moorooka, Brisbane South clinic. Over this time, Michelle has helped many individuals presenting with upper back pain, chronic lower back pain, acute lower back pain, neck pain, and general back muscle pain. 

Acupuncture is a proven, effective and safe treatment for back pain

Acupuncture has increasingly become a common 'go to' for people suffering from conditions characterised by pain. In particular, it has become a highly accepted and recommended treatment for back pain. This is predominantly due to the compelling body of evidence demonstrating the benefits of Acupuncture for this condition.

The types of back pain that can be treated with Acupuncture include:

  • Chronic lower back pain

  • Acute lower back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Upper back pain

  • Sciatic pain

  • General back pain

In 2017, the Acupuncture Evidence Project was carried out by two prominent Brisbane Acupuncturists which aimed to review all of the literature relating to Acupuncture and its effectiveness in treating specific conditions.

117 conditions were reviewed in total and each condition was grouped into one of the following:- a high level of evidence demonstrating effectiveness; a medium level of evidence showing effectiveness and insufficient evidence to suggest effectiveness.

Of all the back pain conditions reviewed, Acupuncture for chronic low back pain was said to have a very high level of evidence available.

Acupuncture for acute low back pain as well as neck pain was found to have a medium level of evidence showing effectiveness.

For further information about the Acupuncture Evidence Project click here.

Acupuncture and back pain Brisbane

How does an Acupuncturist treat back pain

Every Acupuncturist will have his/her own method of treatment. Michelle will always check the range of motion of the problem area to see how the body is moving and whether or not certain movements elicit pain. Any detected tightness or pain on assessment will be noted and then re-tested at the end of the treatment. Most clients will experience some improvement during the treatment which is often a clear sign that the treatment is the right fit for the problem at hand.

Firstly, an Acupuncturist will consider which Acupuncture meridians are involved. The Urinary Bladder and Gall Bladder meridians are often implicated as they run along the muscles of the entire back and neck.

Next, Michelle will check whether there is inflammation present in these meridians by pressing on certain points. If reactive, needles will be inserted into areas that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

No musculo-skeletal treatment is ever complete without a hip/pelvic assessment as this area can often be the culprit for a myriad of back, muscle and joint complaints.

Acupuncture Back Pain Brisbane

Acupuncture for general back pain

Did you know that the first line of treatment for back pain in the US, recommended by The American College of Physicians, Medicare/Medicaid, the Joint Commission and the American Medical Association, is Acupuncture?

These guidelines apply to both acute and chronic back pain, which should be considered before interventions such as steroid injections, local anesthetics, surgery and strong medications.

Whether you’ve been experiencing back pain for years, or have recently begun feeling discomfort, acupuncture is an effective treatment for your back pain.

Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been used to treat back pain for thousands of years. It involves the insertion of tiny needles into certain points along the body to influence the flow of energy and blood. By doing so, acupuncture helps reduce inflammation, relax muscles and relieve pain.

As a result of its effectiveness, many health care providers are now referring their patients to acupuncturists when they suffer from chronic back pain.


Acupuncture for chronic lower back pain

Here in Australia, in 2014 the Royal Australia College of General Practitioners stated that Acupuncture should be considered as a safe, evidence based treatment option for lower back pain.

Of all the conditions for which Acupuncture research has been carried out, it was determined by the authors of the Acupuncture Evidence Project, that there is a very strong level of evidence for Acupuncture and chronic lower back pain.

Chronic back pain is an unfortunately common condition. Chronic back pain can be caused by a wide variety of issues, including arthritis, injuries, fibromyalgia, structural problems, and more. If you're looking for help dealing with this condition, acupuncture can be a great solution. Acupuncture helps to relieve pain and improve healing by encouraging the body's own natural healing processes. It has been proven to be effective for many different types of pain conditions, including chronic back pain.

Acupuncture For Lower Back Pain Near Me

Acupuncture for acute lower back pain

The difference between chronic back pain and acute back pain is that acute back pain lasts for less than three months, and chronic pain lasts for over three months.

Acute back pain can be caused by many of the same issues as chronic back pain but the main cause can be from muscle strain resulting from lifting heavy objects or an injury sustained during sports or exercise activities like running or playing tennis.

Acupuncture For Lumbar Pain

Acupuncture for upper back pain

Upper back pain is characterised by pain in the thoracic region of the back which is where the ribs are located. Pain can often be one sided or a general tightness throughout the thorax can be experienced. Pain may be experienced between the shoulder blades or higher up into the shoulders themselves.

Upper back pain can be a result of overuse from repetitive tasks, poor posture, strain from sports or exercise or even due to stress.

Acupuncture For Back Problems Brisbane

Acupuncture for neck pain

Neck pain can be the result of poor posture, which can be caused by a number of things—including stress, long periods spent sitting in a non ideal position, working with your shoulders hunched over a computer, and sleeping on an unsupportive pillow. Neck pain can also stem from muscle strain, but it can also be due to disease or injury. Acupuncture is an effective treatment for neck pain, and it can also help prevent future injuries to the area.

There is a moderate level of evidence that supports acupuncture's effectiveness in treating neck pain according to the Acupuncture Evidence Project which was formulated in 2017.

A more recent study found that low-level laser therapy reduced acute neck pain and improved the extension of the neck (tilting head up towards the ceiling) in subjects.

Acupuncture For Neck Pain Brisbane

Acupuncture for sciatic pain

Sciatic pain is a kind of pain that comes from an impingement of the sciatic nerve, which runs through your hips and buttocks and down each leg. It can cause shooting pain, numbness or tingling that will often extend down the sides or back of the legs sometimes even past the knees.

It is a common complaint that Acupuncturists treat, often with excellent results.

If you’re experiencing pain in any of the above areas or muscle aches and pains in other parts of your body, do not hesitate to contact Michelle for an Acupuncture treatment. She would love to help you feel more ease and comfort