Gluten Free Breakfast Ideas
5 low inflammatory breakfast ideas for the whole family to enjoy
Michelle Blum, Acupuncturist and Naturopath in the Brisbane Southside suburb of Moorooka shares five of her favourite healthy, family breakfast recipes.
A breakfast that contains fresh protein, slow-release gluten-free carbohydrates such as quinoa, buckwheat, millet, amaranth and brown rice, some good quality fats such as avocado or coconut oil and some green vegetables is the ideal way to start the day for every member of the family.
It provides the body with energy, clarity of mind, blood sugar stability and will keep you feeling full for at least 3 to 4 hours.
Low allergy breakfast idea Number 1:
If you are living in the Brisbane area Sol bread's and Zehnder do the best gluten-free bread, in my opinion, otherwise, you could make your own using the following recipe that I found on a thermomix website - you don't need to worry about milling the grains as you can buy these already milled.
This a simple yet delicious breakfast involving a tin of 4 bean mix preferably BPA free and a simple Napoli sauce whipped up on the stove using a teaspoon of olive or coconut oil, a tin of tomatoes (BPA free tin), a bit of garlic and a pinch of sea salt. Allow this to simmer for a few minutes and mix the beans through once you've taken the saucepan off the burner. You can add some basil and rocket for good measure. Here you have a complete vegetable protein, some good quality fat, some carbohydrates for energy and some greens.
Low allergy breakfast idea Number 2:
Spread the homemade mayonnaise over a slice or two of gluten-free toast and place a few sardines over the mayonnaise, topping it with some rocket or baby spinach. Sardines are an excellent food to include in one's diet as they contain a high level of Omega 3's without the mercury that is present in larger fish that are high in Omega 3's such as salmon and tuna.
For those who just really can't do sardines then eggs may be substituted if tolerated. If unsure then it may be an idea to ask your naturopath to run an IgG and IgA food intolerance test for you.
Low allergy breakfast idea Number 3:
1 cup of buckwheat flour, 1 egg and 1 cup of coconut milk all mixed in together and spoon mixture on to fry pan as per normal pancake or crepe making process. Great with passionfruit, banana, maple syrup (use sparingly) and some shredded coconut.
Again if you have an egg intolerance you may need to look at a substitute such as flaxseed or chia and water.
Low allergy breakfast idea Number 4:
Gluten-free muesli - Puffed buckwheat, puffed amaranth, puffed brown rice, puffed quinoa and puffed millet with some mixed seeds, raw nuts and some grated apple or perhaps the juice of an orange or simply served with rice milk.
Low allergy breakfast Idea Number 5.
A quick and easy smoothie recipe involves blending 1/2 cup of raspberries, 1/2 a banana, a handful of kale or spinach, 1/2 cup of coconut milk, 1/2 cup of filtered water and 2 scoops of a high-grade protein powder from brands such as Amazonia Raw, Garden of Life, Ezy and Tony Sfeirs.
In this smoothie, you will find all that you need to get your day off to a good start. That being, some protein, some carbohydrates in the form of fruit, some good fat ie coconut and some greens.
Stay tuned for more recipe ideas !!